Moving forward
Presidential elections are draining as they should be. We not only elect the leader of our country, but the most powerful person on earth. That is not a small decision which is why people of all nations excitedly watch to see who we select. Their lives are affected too. And if you believe in God, He most certainly is watching as well since our planet and all its people ultimately belong to Him and are in the balance. I’m sure He’s always quite interested in observing who we’ve decided is worthy of being given such enormous power.
America has now chosen. There are no charges of election fraud, or electronic rigging, Chinese bamboo ballots, fake voter ID’s, lawsuits, violence... Nice, isn’t it? That’s the way America is supposed to work. Where did all the fraud go a logical person might ask? Was it all cleaned up over night? Why wasn’t the election rigged this time? Maybe we Americans should just hop off the fraud train and go back to being Americans.
We have free elections here. We elect our leaders followed by a peaceful transfer of power, even when they lose. This formula has worked magically since our founding as Americans will soon be reminded again. The American people always deserve and require a peaceful transfer of power for our national security. This includes whatever intelligence briefings and assistance that can help with this critical transition to the new leadership. The stakes are very high in this dangerous world. Voters that won also deserve a chance to celebrate. They like you, are doing the best they can. Remember, we are a nation founded on treating people the way we want to be treated. I think it’s the key to our success as a nation. We should remember that not just when we win when it’s easier, but especially when we lose. To me, that is the essence of what the humble man from Nazareth tried to teach us. I’ve always found it to be logical and fair.
Every election I greatly hope that our new leadership works across the aisle. Is it just me or don’t you feel better when our leaders work in a bi-partisan way and show respect for each other vs the vitriol we usually see? I’m sick of the hate and whacked out conspiracy theories that too many are anxious to embrace. Let’s all stay grounded in reality and stop giving refuge to carnival acts. They tear at the fabric of our nation and damage what we leave our children. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could heed these words instead:
What we need in the United States is not division. What we need in the United States is not hatred. What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness, but is love and wisdom and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country. RFK 1968, the year he was murdered.
I told you there are dark clouds covering our nation. I should have said our world. Today, democracies are in decline literally all over the world in historic proportions. We are the leader of these democracies. Where are we headed? Will we lead the world back to freedom or advance towards autocracy and pretend its democracy? Autocracy is extremely effective and impressive until it’s not. That’s why we have checks and balances in our system and in a nuclear era, it’s a nice feature.
So, what will our future hold?
Will tariffs really work or just increase the cost of our goods? Will we make new enemies and allies overseas, or simply maintain the status quo? Will there be war or only rumors of war? Will Project 2025 authored by the Heritage organization ever be implemented or just remain on the conservative wish list? Will there be chaos and violence when immigrants are rounded up and deported and how will this be done? Will our borders ever become secure? Are we about to enter a great age of prosperity or anxiety?
None of us know the answers of what the future holds, but in 24 months we will render yet a new opinion on what we see. Great country when you think about it.
I for one will honor and respect the will of the people as I always have win or lose. America has more than earned that from all of us after 248 years of good stewardship. It’s time to turn our yard signs into plowshares. I will hope that our leaders succeed in making our country better. We all have a vested stake in their success. But I also pray all Americans stay vigilant over our freedoms and that they are strengthened worldwide and not weakened which is the current trend. All kids depend on it. And although we will never stop debating our views, let’s also never forget we are fellow Americans that love each other. We are all sharing this moment in time together on earth for a reason. Let’s make the most of it and be grateful. Whatever our future is we will face it together as friends.
After every spirited election, I’m reminded of the wisdom of our greatest President and am hoping that we all take his words to heart. God bless you and our great country we share.
We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." Abraham Lincoln
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