Hello and welcome to your first Newsletter from Liberty’s Call. The reason I created this newsletter is summarized perfectly by my favorite President:
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” Abraham Lincoln
Like Abe, I’m a firm believer in our people too, but the truth can be hard to get today. There are too many versions of it out there mixed with juicy conspiracy theories to sort through. Here’s what I know and the bottom line for me. There’s nothing wrong with the American people. They are still the greatest citizens of the greatest nation in history. Unfortunately, they have been bombarded with versions of news and perspectives that are based on profitability rather than truth. They are delivered in sync with algorithmic profiles and clicks, and not necessarily with facts. They are designed to tell you what you think you already know vs what might offend or challenge you, otherwise it knows, you’ll go elsewhere. Pure capitalism cares about profits and everything else is irrelevant. From this web of technological data, we search for truth.
America has always been the first and most generous nation to help during any worldwide catastrophe. It also stands in the way of dictatorial regimes that believe only in growing their power by strangling freedom. Our nation was founded on the concept that all men are created equal and deserving of human rights and liberty. Consequently, we formed a government and culture where we treat people the way we want to be treated. It of course starts with our fellow Americans and extends to all people. That is not only how a healthy democracy works, but also Christianity 101. Many have consequently called us a Christian nation largely because that teaching is the cornerstone of that faith.
Today, primarily through the influence of media, our nation has broken away from this noble idea and is instead devolving into two societies. Although they are called parties, they could more correctly be called encampments preparing for a great battle. Each side gets different news, perspectives, and versions of reality than the other. What both parties have in common however, is the great fear they have of the other destroying the fabric of their nation and their freedom. Our elected leaders are often vilified for bipartisanship and praised for obstruction. Most make no effort to hide their contempt for each other. Hunkering down in these encampments are the American people who have far more in common than not but have stopped talking to each other to realize it. The reason is because passions have been enflamed making civil discourse harder and thereby less frequent.
Think about that for a minute. Americans elect the most powerful person on earth as our President, and we aren’t even discussing it as family and friends unless we already agree. Who benefits from our divide? Not you and I, but certainly many others. In a nuclear world, the wrong choice for President could trigger events leading to earth’s extinction. The stakes are huge, and the discussion must be had.
My newsletter is an attempt to cut through the partisan nonsense and speak to my fellow Americans as an American. There are many subjects that supposedly divide us that I believe we mostly agree on. They are delivered by media and politicians who have much to gain by our division. We can never forget that we are all Americans not warring, angry parties otherwise we endanger our own freedom. The founding documents that created our country and the subsequent rule of law have served us well for almost 248 years. I say we keep them. Again, they are based on treating people the way we want to be treated, and that’s what’s missing in our political discourse. Perhaps that can change here. I welcome you on this journey together.
I agree that we are so divided and yet we have so much in common. We love our God, family and neighbors. We must just realize we are ALL neighbors and daughters and sons of our God. I just hoping our leaders are loving and caring people.